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Walker Coonhound

Treeing Walker Coonhound

The Treeing Walker Coonhound is a breed of hound descended from the English and American Foxhounds. The breed originated in the United States when a dog known as "Tennessee Lead," was crossed into the Walker Hound in the 19th century. Two breeders from Kentucky, John W. Walker, and George Washington Maupin, are given credit for the breed's initial development. The dogs they bred were referred to as Walker Hounds and were used to hunt raccoons. In the 1800s, a stolen black and tan dog named Tennessee Lead was crossed into the Walker Hound. Tennessee Lead was of unknown origin, but he greatly influenced the Walker.

The treeing walker was used primarily to hunt raccoons, but it is also used on bobcats, bear, mountain lion and deer. The breed is very vocal with a distinct bay that tells the handler where they are from long distances. It has a clear ringing voice that will turn into a steady chop at the tree.

The Treeing Walker Coonhound was first recognized by the UKC in 1905 as part of the English Coonhound breed. Breeders requested they be recognized as their own breed and in 1945 the UKC changed them to the Walker Treeing Coonhound. The AKC recognized it in January 2012. The Treeing Walker Coonhound is bred primarily for the mouth, looks, and ability. It is first and foremost a hunting dog. Although they are known as a coonhound, their nose is not the coldest. This made them a favourite in coon hunting competitions because they would leave an older track for a fresh one and making it possible to tree more coons in a shorter amount of time. 

Running Walker Coonhound

When it comes to the looks of a running walker versus a treeing walker, there's not a lot of difference. The running is a bit smaller and lighter. It's the behaviour of the two that sets them apart even though they descend from the same stock breed. Treeing walkers were bred to run game up trees, the running walker doesn't have the treeing instinct like the Treeing walker. Running Walkers don’t check trees, and prefer to stay on trails that stay on the ground. They are fast, intelligent, and possess the tenacity to follow their prey for longer distances, though some hunters are of the opinion that Running Walkers have shorter attention spans than the Treeing Walkers making them a bit more challenging to train. Running Walkers are ideally suited to hunt non-arboreal animals.

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